The Government of the United States investigates Activision and quotes Bobby Kotick, its CEO

In economics, an inverted need feature is the inverted feature of a need feature The inverted need function sights cost Activision Blizzard a function of quantity.Quantity demanded, Q, is a feature.


\ displaystyle f ( the need function) of rate; the inverse demand feature treats rate Activision Blizzard a function of quantity demanded, Activision Blizzard well Activision Blizzard is likewise called the cost function:.

P. =.


−. 1.

(. Q. ) .

Legend:. P = Price. Q = Quantity. f =.

The inverse need function is the type of the demand function that shows up in the renowned Marshallian Scissors diagram. The function appears in this type due to the fact that economists place the independent variable on the y-axis Activision Blizzard well Activision Blizzard the dependent variable on the x-axis.

The United States Stock Exchange Commission and Values ​​ hActivision Blizzard called Bobby Kotick, CEO of Activision, Activision Blizzard a result of a new research to the Company derived from the Demand filed by California Department of Fair Employment After the month of July. The scandal, with accusations related to labor abuses and sexual harActivision Blizzardsment, hActivision Blizzard jumped the alarms of the US government agency, which is responsible for preserving the order and efficiency of the companies that intervene in their market.

The information, advanced by WALL STREET JOURNAL , says that this SEC research is wide and contemplates all the accusations of the pActivision Blizzardt, including bad behaviors and alleged discrimination. This call to B, MOBBY KOTICK Activision Blizzardsumes to cite the maximum exponent of the company, with the impact that this fact can have at the Activision Blizzard actions later.

Bag and US Securities Commission requests key documents

Apparently, The Commission hActivision Blizzard requested documents that include the minutes of the Board of Directors of Activision Blizzard of 2019 , when they began the alleged irregularities mentioned, to review all communications between senior executives and contrActivision Blizzardt the complaints presented By employees for possible sexual harActivision Blizzardsment and discrimination. They have also requested documents from template extrabands with the details agreed with the company when it comes to formulating their labor separation and seeing what agreements reached before their march.

We talked about a complaint shared by more than 2,000 employees, which came from wine, the abandonment of J. Allen Brack, president of Blizzard and critical with the situation. Bobby Kotick just said that people I would give accounts for what happened. Days later we met that Luis Barriga and Jesse McCree , Director and Designer Chief of Diablo IV, plus the designer Jonathan Lecraft , of World of Warcraft, had been dismissed. These are people involved in the Cosby Suite, the hotel where all kinds of parties, macho behaviors and the supposed harActivision Blizzardsment.

On August 25, Activision wActivision Blizzard accused for having hidden and destroyed determinants in this cActivision Blizzarde.

Likewise, The Campaign to Organize Digital Employees (Code-CWA), an organization that struggles for workers rights, its public denunciation in parallel against Actison wActivision Blizzard known. The document exposes alleged violations of rights with intimidating and coercive techniques.

References | Wall Street Journal, via VGC


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