Wasteland 3 will be released on 19 May 2020 - Inxile Entertainment - Video Peeling news, instructions, exemplary procedures, reviews and culture

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A new gameplay trailer was also revealed at X019.

Inxile's ödland 3 Castle the Inside Xbox Live Show from Microsoft to X019 with a new gameplay trailer. We have seen more of Colorado and all his postalapalyptic horrors. More important is that there is a publication date - the tactical RPG publications on 19 May 2020 worldwide.

The story focuses on a ranger troupe called Team November, which is struggling to survive the frozen landscape Colorados. On the way you come across the patriarch, which commissions you to kill its three "children". Players will use round-based tactics and strategies to overcome the opportunities.

In addition to weapons such as sniper guns and telescope guns, the players also provide a vehicle that can be customized (and even besides that they can fight). With the promise to tell profound stories and to make effective decisions, not to mention the support of the co-op story, ödland 3 looks pretty good. It comes to Xbox One, PC and PS4. Xbox Game Pass owners can also play on the service at startup.

Tags: Inxile Entertainment, Microsoft, PC, PS4, Wasteland 3, X019, Xbox One
