Apex Legends: more than 2000 players bannis - JV - Switch players

Apex Legends: Emergence Battle Pass Trailer

We can indeed learn that day that 2086 players precisely were banished Apex Legends . The reason ? They regularly left the parts when they were not at their advantage because they can lower their scores.

the anti-game

The other reason of the bans is an abuse of the matchmaking system allowing very high level players to be able to join parts of less experienced players. Brief Respawn is not happy and we can understand it, because it is clearly from the anti-game.

The Developer Head of Security at Respawn has remained twitty:

We banished 2,086 players early this morning for abuse of a dashboarding feat and a matchmaking feat that allow high ranking players to enter the bronze lobby for Farmer. The distribution is as follows: 44 PC players 1965 PS4 players 15 Switch players 62 Xbox players

This should make it possible to find a little more equality and to know how to live on the respawn FPS.


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