Space Engineers: Heavy Industry Update and DLC presented in the trailer

Keen Software House has released Heavy Industry Update to Space Engineers with numerous improvements and bugfixes - among other things, that no clipping occurs more in the weapon change animation. Also, the character-skin disappears after a respawn anymore. You can read the extensive changes here.

At the same time, the developers have added a few features:

  • Improved braking behavior when parking
  • Switch improved behavior in the current
  • 64 armor panel blocks
  • 1x1x1 small grid block
  • Two magnetic disk blocks
  • Three LCD posters panels
  • New Pertam Orbiter Scenario

In addition to available Heavy Industries Pack you also get the following things:

Unleash the power of the Angular CDK by Nir Kaufman

  • Big magnetic disk
  • Carrier blocks
  • Industrial delivery tubes
  • Cylindrical column
  • Vertical control panel
  • A new design of the great hydrogen tank
  • A new design of the big cargo container
  • Industrial refinery
  • Industrial mounting system
  • Industrial hydrogen engines
  • Hazard identification armor-skin

The Space Engineers: Heavy Industry Pack is now available at a price of 3.99 euros.

To tune a little bit more, you can see the trailer here:


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